So like I said in my last post, I had a ten year reunion coming up.  Well, it came and it went.  And it was AWESOME!  I had so much fun that it's crazy to think ten years have gone by.  Oh wait, some of those people I haven't seen for fifteen years.  Pretty crazy, but I'm truly blessed to have spent some time with my dear, close friends now and from the past.  It's amazing how life has happened in the last 10 years, but we all connect the same as we have in the past.  I didn't get many pictures, mainly because everyone else was getting them for me.  Thank you, Facebook.  You have yet documented another important event.  

I'm feeling a bit of everything right now!  I don't know how to describe it.  So many things are happening, and fast.  It's a good thing, I'm sure.  I'm just not sure how the outcome of all of it will be.  So my ten year high school reunion is next week.  NEXT WEEK!!!  Really?  Did I seriously grow up that fast?  Did I really just live through these last ten years of my life and survive?  Awesome!  Well, I'm coming to terms with my "old age", but I'm still unsure how I'm supposed to react to the regrets I've had in these past ten years.  I mean, I don't regret everything I've ever done, just a few, but what I really regret are the things that I didn't do.  Who would have thunked it right?  Oh wait, my mom called me out on that the day I told her I wanted to take time off.  Just maybe I would have gone had I had my semester off, but who knows.  All I do know, is ten years later and I'm dying to go back and complete my goals.  I'm doing it.  I'm going to succeed and I'm going to be all that I've ever wanted to be.  It's going to take a long three years, but I'll get there.  And now that I know three years is really not that long, it shouldn't be so hard.  Shoot, I've given birth (TWICE!) and traveled out of the country.  I'm a real live adult now, right?  I wish!  
Aside from my crazy little goal of my future edumacation, I'm totally excited about my future body!  More will be written about that in my One Pound At A Time section!  
Also my etsy!  I've done etsy in the past, but this time, I'm totally going ALL out!  That's right, I bought business cards!  I'm going to make lots and lots of capes, jet packs, and lots more, but all related to super heroes! My store's name is Superhero Obsession.  "With great power also comes great cape-abilities."  Yep that's mine, all mine.  superheroobsession.etsy.com  I'm impressed with myself, but mostly because I haven't been this busy in my life in a long, long time.  Now that I realize all that's going on, I feel... accomplished.